Viral! Seorang Pria Kehilangan Motor di Kos, Pas Minta Rekaman CCTV Malah Diancam Masuk Penjara Sama Ibu Kos

Viral! Seorang Pria Kehilangan Motor di Kos, Pas Minta Rekaman CCTV Malah Diancam Masuk Penjara Sama Ibu Kos

Viral! Motor Seorang Pria Hilang di Kos dan Minta Rekaman CCTV, Malah Diancam Masuk Penjara Oleh Ibu Kos-Tangkapan layar, Rizky.ganda.putra.-Tiktok

The owner of the boarding house also expelled this man and threatened to imprison him. 

This video caught the attention of netizens. 

Some netizens also told stories if they had lost items in the boarding house.

BACA JUGA:7 Nomor yang Wajib Disimpan saat Mudik Lebaran 2024, Ada Pertamina Hingga Korlantas Polri

What do you think about this? 

Wow, what if this happens to us?

Already hit by the loss of a motorbike, even more mentally hit too.

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